red faced
she pushed her cart
market time
misty evening
fireflies show their lantern-
early summer
leap second--
one second added
this year
old friends
nidnight return
garden frog__
at the drug store
choosing a "pregnancy stick"
second month__
choosing a branch
for her "preganancy stick"...
Mount Oshioka
yuzue ni eraruru eda ga oshio yama
by Issa, 1804
huffing and puffing
red eyed in the dark
out near
the thin ice__
sound of panic
garden frog
greets my return
old friend__
day off--
every day even better
winter blast
frost in my garden
southern boy
in my garden
reminders of past love
weeping willow__
autumn wind__
distant sounds
felt inside
full moon__
appears again
hidden by clouds
standing in line
get out the vote
(Thirteenth Place – Two Points)
autumn leaves-
rakes on sale
at the home depot
back yard feeders empty
I lay down my binoculars
autumn leaves__
tired eyes
made alive again
autumn majick__
autumn clouds
at thirty thousand feet
return trip__
beetles and bugs
crawl in the dirt
child's play__
autumn dew__
the last roses
finally fading
in my garden
reminders of past love
weeping willow__
a willow__
sprouts in my garden
(Sixteenth Place – Four Points)
key stroke__
closing in on
a health problem
system analysis
autumn check-up__
first cold spell
furnace lit__
the scent of autumn
mother-in-law's face
on the biggest pumpkin
harvest moon__
second helping__
autumn's cravings
pumpkin pie
back yard feeders empty
I lay down my binoculars
autumn leaves__
midnight slumber_
mother dozing in the rocker
the twins finally quiet (6th place)
flying high
above all worldly care
Vaughn Banting__
Lifting an ear
eyeing the door
a visitor arrives
the sunny south..
still green
jumps into the moon
still pond
this can't be the end
i'm still here...
and so are you Haiku U.
here there
travel the path
circling circling
splash... gone
8-8-8 China
eight gold's
cat-tails in the mist
sound of mallards
running on the water
opening the window
for some breeze
alarm blast__
closed bedroom door
glow of candle light
shadows moving
light of the
full moon
shadows moan
plucking gray hairs...
you too will be bald
as I am__
with haiku eyes
the moment vanishes
the need to kill
poems in blood
here there
walking the path
sound of her breath
sun room with hot tub...
and replacement windows__
spring improvements
big boys
playing games
summer Olympics
spider web
in the mist
a thousand sunrises
on a single strand
blowing in the wind
at the end
of a single strand
the spider begins his day
torn web
he spider begins again
hanging from the moon
by a single strand
early morning
walk , dodging
spider webs
potted Paulownia
blooms for the first time
summer heat__
nine cranes
in the mist__
she awakens
darkest nights
fireflies light the way
summer heat ( 18th place JULY 2008 KUKAI)
out living her birth certificate,
she writes for a replacement...
octogenarian ( 16th place JULY 2008 KUKAI )
ignoring the hi way traffic
great white heron
even before the storm,
by the wind chimes stir
FOURTH PLACE -- 5 pts June Simply Kukai
sky diving-
through the
mango moon
looking up from the coffin,
I thought I'd be the one
who beat death__
twin girls_
in their crib, telling secrets
out loud! Nineteenth Place – One Point
early summer —
stretching out in the sun
sand for my pillow
Seventeenth Place – Three Points
results for the June 2008 Kukai,
wherein our Kigo subject was "Sand"
pressing down, threatening
cloud burst
early summer_
heat already pressing down
in my little garden
southside ::
teetotum out of the shadows
shining bright
looking back
at his abandoned home_
life of the feral cat
floodlights dripping
cloud burst
in left field
cloud burst
new pitcher
warming up
bases loaded
walking away_
the scent of country on his shoe
and... butterflies
jumping put of bed
awakened by the clock's
ticking... stopped
sagging lines
one hundred sparrows
power poles
sunset appears
over power poles
ship's masts
golf coast
thunder storms and twisters
shifting sands
chuckwagon steak
sundown smoke
crescent moon
over home plate
follows player home
first base error
rounding second, third
sliding home
ball park lights
sunset beyond the pines
another win
beyond the pines
ball park lights outshine
setting sun
red dirt
crack of the bat
bases loaded
batter up
last minute coaching
swing_ crack of the bat
quiet garden
sipping a glass of wine
amaryllis bloom
saga palm_
fronds unfurling
from the center
the sound of water
every thrown stone
another frog?
basho's frog
roasted and served again
still has flavor
stealing the tranquility
9-11 landscape
spring showers
listening to CD
of bamboo flutes
Mother's Day photos
washed away in the flood
all that's left_ memories
roses in the garden
not quite like the catalog ad
but still pretty
catalog roses
don't measure up
but still pretty
double impact
catalog roses
less than expected
garden frog
sitting back, reading
stone frog
unmoved by seasons
green shoots
calla lily
the great pretender's
white trumpet
on the windshield
on the headlights
love bug season
stirring a cauldron
of chaos in the glass
new ink brush
under the deck
four yellow-striped kittens
moon viewing
spring rain_
tears dripping from the eaves
of the heart broken
stray yellow cat_
hidden under the deck
four tom kittens
I hide my face
being mooned
by the moon
empty mailbox
trying again tomorrow
expected refund_
full moon
reflected in store window
full moon
looking through
my reflection in the window
looking at me
young girl
carrying a purse
almost as big as she
wearing makeup
years beyond her age
dance class
9-11 monument
breaking ground
prison labor
(Slidell, La. City Jail)
new Slidell, 9-11 monument haiku
touching sorrow
touching cold metal
9-11 monument
passing train
ground trembling
9-11 monument
train whistle
disturbing the silence
9-11 monument
9-11 monument
thieves steal the tranquility
and the landscape
cloud burst
tears running down faces
9-11 monument
jogger's path_
detouring through
9-11 monument
stealing the tranquility
9-11 landscape
looking fine
strutting along the path
storm threatens
out of the woods
crossing the road
urban rabbit
quick wink
rising in the east
eclipse moon
in a pot
opening wide
crab legs
in the boiling pot
cool beer
back stroke
pushing off the side
feathers flying
caught in a thicket
free spirit memory
2) new operating system
3) yet another virus
desert sentinel
reaching for the heavens
a coat of white
cold moon . . .
a rising wave splashes
the taste of salt
melting snow and
spring rain flooding
sluices opened
river rising
sluices opened
city bypassed
....shadow on the sky__
wafting brew
entering the coffee house
full moon
peeking over the fence
flower cards
flower cards
whispering bamboo
and a full moon
flashlight in hand
full moon out shinning
modern technology
moon watching
over the fence
drifting voices
in the mirror
same face as yesterday
sun's reflection
here , there
winking in the garden
fire flies
the rose bud
spring sunshine
melting snows
and spring rains
eyes the levee marker
sluices opened_
Mississippi River floods
the spillway Bonnet_Carre_Spillway_aerial_view_northeast.jpg#file
eye son levee marker
Katrina floods
sound of garden fountain
sleep chased away
bull frogs
moon shadows
washed away
moon shadows
on the garden wall
scent of roses
passing through_
rose blooms
moon beams
in the branches
oak alley
roar of gathering silence
of the heart
Manresa retreat begins
moon shadows
roar of silence
Manresa retreat begins
frogs echo frogs
across oak alley
breaking retreat silence
cut roses in a vase_
brighten a room ,
but the garden is bare
a time for loneliness,
not lonely at all
a good book
and the coffee house
retirement bliss_
looking through
my reflection in the glass
children at play
spring rains
field of mud chimneys
thoughts of crawfish cooking
feeding time_
young sparrows
in a field of clover
crawling up the leg
a curious sensation
fire ants
spring peepers_
searching the internet
there's a picture
wiping away a tear_
moonbeams dripping
from the eaves
FIFTH PLACE -- 5 pts
mowed down
defiant clover
blooms again
march winds
clover shakes it's head
honey bee holds on
road home_
crossing my path
a wild rabbit
blown before the wind
leaves and scraps of paper
mall parking lot
intermittent peeking
through the clouds
the sun catches the eye
fan in hand
obscure glances
a child pretends
cauldron of chaos
circling the dock
wave runners
clover to clover
her work never done
the honey bee
the setting sun
sparkling on the bayou
beyond the pines
garden dampness
on the convertible windshield
peepers take a ride
ground rumbling
robins take flight
then a train whistle blast
into tomorrow
rumbling along
train whistle
looking back
the biker
sped past
a stranger
in my own house
longing for home
scent of an old book
hours spent
turning pages
albums in the mud
yesterdays swept away
hurricane Katrina
honey bee
backing out the coke can
another flower?
knocking at the door
rumble of thunder
in the distance
swimming in my cup
Defiant fly
searching for moisture
between the cracks
stripped paulowina
finally a green bud
spring breeze
spurting up
above the puddles
spring flowers
Gold rings
worn thin
much hand holding
Gold rings
worn thin
hand holding
Gold rings
worn thin
exchanged glances
kite flying
stiff breeze
sunset crashes
kite flying haiku
flying high
kite flying
touching clouds
kid fun
diamond sparkle
on bayou surface
stiff breeze
setting sun
balloons escape
stiff breeze
hunting worms
in the clover
fat robins
on the ground
in the trees
starlings in flight
winged maple seeds
cover bare branches
leaden skies
covey of starlings
fat robins
serious competition
they all take flight
lone sparrow
haunting melody
sound of bamboo
flute, gong,
tiny bells
desert sentinel
reaching for the heavens
a coat of white
false spring
on the rose bud
morning frost
numbers are in
one player out
bases still loaded
lighthouse mocks
extinct humanity__
ancient moon rises
sunset at the park
bayou at high tide
rumble of a freight train
fire truck
sucking water
from the bayou
sirens screaming--
the peace of retirement
and a good book...
gulf coast-
thunder storms & twisters
shifting sands
heat seeking missiles
strike at the heart
Valentine passion
red beans and rice
at the fox's hole
post katrina
the sound of jazz--
at the fox's hole
post katrina
lost in a strange place-
the first dream of the new year
can't shake old thoughts
closing windows
as I rush through the cold house
I discover the break-in
new years day
another white rosebud
lingers still
fighting pneumonia
each winter's haiku
struggle for breath
(c) terrytip 2008